Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.

Italy EEA Member

Please be aware that for ISP CB Ipotecario and ISP CB Pubblico the HTTs refer not to the Calendar Quarter but to different periods equal to the specific Collection Period, as defined in the Prospectus of each Programmes

Pool Program details

Identifier ISP CB Ipotecario S.r.l.
Country Italy
Legal framework Obbligazioni Bancarie Garantite - OBG
Harmonised transparency template
Pool type Mortgage

Bond details

ISIN IT0005631574
Other identifier
Face value (EUR) 1,500,000,000
Initial Issuance Date 23/01/2025
Maturity Date 12/07/2036
EU Label European Covered Bond (Premium)
Maturity profile SB
Tapped No
Coupon Type Floating
Syndicated No
Listed Yes
Additional Information