Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Application form


1. Selection of the jurisdiction
2. Self-certification of compliance with national covered bond law (i.e. a licence to issue)
3. Selection of type of collateral pool (mortgage, public sector or ship assets)
4. Self-certification of Label type in accordance with Art 27 of the Covered Bond Directive (EU) 2019/2162 4
5. Self-certification of compliance with the Covered Bond Label Convention

Legislation safeguards

Security features intrinsic to the CB product


1 Including pooling models consisting only of covered bonds issued by credit institutions.

2 The financial assets eligible for the cover pool (including substitution assets and derivative instruments) and their characteristics are defined in the national covered bond legislation which complies with the requirements of the Covered Bond Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/2162, as well as those articles which specify its implementation, including a waiver for the requirement for the issuer to be based in the European Economic Area (EEA), allowing non-EEA LCR compliant covered bonds programmes to be eligible for the Label. Non-EEA Labels will be identified on the Covered Bond Label website in a different graphic solution to EEA Labels.

3 The enhanced Harmonised Transparency Template 2026 will enter into force at the end of the first quarter of 2026 and will be a binding requirement for the granting and renewal of the Covered Bond Label.

4 By default this selection is done at cover pool level. Should single ISINs need a different classification, this can be selected at bond level on the dashboard once the Covered Bonds are uploaded.

Please note that the Label shall be granted for the ongoing calendar year upon the receipt of the payment of the fees within 20 working days from the date of the application

For further information on the Label, please click here, and for further information on the Label fee, please click here