Compagnie de Financement Foncier

France EEA Member

Pool Program details

Identifier Compagnie de Financement Foncier
Country France
Legal framework Obligations Foncières
Harmonised transparency template
Pool type Mixed
Description Compagnie de Financement Foncier’s assets are selected in compliance with the French legal framework of obligations foncières, the European Directives UCITS 52-4 and the article 129 of the CRR.

Compagnie de Financement Foncier’s assets are divided into three main categories:
• secured loans, as defined under Articles L. 515-14 and L. 515-16 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, backed by a first-ranking mortgage (or equivalent real estate security or, to a lesser extent, a guarantee);
• exposure to public authorities, as defined under Articles L. 515-15 and L. 515-16;
• replacement securities as defined in Article L. 515-17, limited to 15% of the nominal value of the privileged liabilities.

Bond details

ISIN FR001400TM31
Other identifier S700 SB
Face value (EUR) 500,000,000
Initial Issuance Date 29/10/2024
Maturity Date 29/10/2029
EU Label European Covered Bond (Premium)
Maturity profile HB
Tapped No
Coupon Type Fixed
Syndicated Yes
Listed Yes
Sustainable covered bond Yes
Description Social Bond Human Development Healthcare & Social Housing
Additional Information